Our Faculty
Meet our wonderful faculty members.
Larry Bernstein
C.S.T., C.P.T, FSoc OB. CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
A certified orthobionomist, polarity and therapeutic massage therapist, with 20 years experience in the field. He is a state authorized teacher of massage therapy and polarity. He is also state authorized administrator. As director of operations at the Plaza Santa Maria Hospital in Baja, Mexico, Larry worked with an international team of health care professionals. He presently has an active private practice in Body-Mind Integration in Soquel, California. Larry has conducted workshops in various aspects of health care. Larry holds current certificates of authorization, number 012-34-2193, for both director and instructor.
Donna Hayes
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Donna is a graduate of Cypress Health Institute and has been involved with the school since her graduation and state certification in 2012. She currently teaches the Integrated Massage class at Cypress. Donna has studied Kriya Yoga for over 20 years. A profound state of tranquility and communion with the highest form of her Being is the foundation of Donna’s practice. She has a deep passion to support the development of these qualities in each student that enters her classes. Donna strongly believes in the body’s natural ability to heal itself, including physical and emotional wounds from past traumas. Donna’s hope is to help her clients and students find that place of peace within themselves. In her private practice, Donna offers a healing, therapeutic touch guided by a strong desire and commitment to help others heal. Donna is actively involved in community events, volunteering her time with loving dedication.
Dr. Jeff Rockwell
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Dr. Jeff Rockwell, DC is a chiropractor, Canadian-trained osteopath, philosopher, poet and somatic educator, with a passionate interest in both the neuroscience and philosophical principles of manual therapy. A pioneer in brain-based manual therapy, Rockwell has been a popular teacher on the seminar circuit for the past twenty-five years. Professor of Clinical Sciences at Parker University for many years, he is the author and producer of numerous manuals, books, and DVDs on neuro-manual therapies and somatic education. He is also the founder and co-director of the Institute of Manual Neuroscience in San Jose, California, and is the developer of Cypress Health Institute’s Craniosacral Therapy and Neuromuscular (Neuro-Manual) Therapy Programs.
Jordan Terry, CMT
B.S. Arch, CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Human Helper, Movement Detective, Body Listener and eternal Student & Teacher. Initially formally-trained as an architect, it was a relatively easy switch from the structure and flow of buildings to that of the human body and being.
Jordan earned his licensure to touch through Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute in 2008 where he began his career of bodywork and teaching. Stemming from a neuromuscular based practice into the science of touch and healing, helping humans understand and inhabit their bodies has taken him across the globe in ways that he never imagined.
Susan Matthews-Scott
A licensed psychotherapist. She has taught massage therapy and counseling skills since 1977 and is also an experienced workshop facilitator. She created the original Integral Massage used at Cypress Health Institute Massage School. Susan currently has a private practice in psychotherapy and teaches in Cypress Health Institute’s Massage Program.
Trevor Caruso
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Trevor Caruso has over 20 years of education in various modalities of movement, structural alignment, and postural analysis. He has traveled the world studying Qigong, Tai Chi, and other movement practices. His studies have brought him to train with the monks at Shaolin as well as some of the most respected lineage holders of Internal Martial Arts. He is a Rolf Structural Integration Therapist and the owner of Mirror Gate Integrative Therapy. Additionally, he teaches ongoing classes in Wujifa Qigong and has taught classes in Qigong and Internal Martial Art classes since 2000 at parks, senior centers, local libraries and community centers.
Trevor Caruso
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Trevor Caruso has over 20 years of education in various modalities of movement, structural alignment, and postural analysis. He has traveled the world studying Qigong, Tai Chi, and other movement practices. His studies have brought him to train with the monks at Shaolin as well as some of the most respected lineage holders of Internal Martial Arts. He is a Rolf Structural Integration Therapist and the owner of Mirror Gate Integrative Therapy. Additionally, he teaches ongoing classes in Wujifa Qigong and has taught classes in Qigong and Internal Martial Art classes since 2000 at parks, senior centers, local libraries and community centers.
Mikyö Black
Alexandra Kaufman, DOMP, AO, MA, CMT
Alexandra has studied Osteopathy extensively since 1996. She began her osteopathic studies when her career path delivered her to the doorstep of three osteopathic mentors based throughout the U.S. from 1996-2009. She completed more than 3000 hours of therapeutic study and training during that period. For an additional six years, she earned her degree as a classically trained manual osteopath from the Canadian School of Osteopathy in Vancouver, Canada. Alexandra also earned a degree as an animal osteopath (A.O.) from the London College of Osteopathy in Toronto, Canada. Alexandra’s passion for optimizing health and healing via intelligent biological design is unwavering. In private practice in Northern California since 1995, she is known to be compassionate, measured, yet tenacious in her approach. She feels her therapeutic strength lies in sensing and dialoguing with biological tissues and has a passion to assist in the growth and skill development of the manual therapy community. Leveraging her training and experience, Alexandra developed her own gentle and non-invasive proprietary osteopathic method of treatment called ‘Dynamic Motility Balancing’ (DMB) to harness the inner physician of each patient. She practices osteopathy in her private clinic called ‘Quantum Osteopathy’ in Aptos, California.
Chris Hauze
C.M.P. CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Chris has been studying and practicing massage therapy since 1980. In the course of his work he has developed a deep faith in the healing power of the human body. His aim as a teacher at Cypress Health Institute Massage School is to help his students become aware of and be in harmony with their own healing energy. Chris has a private massage practice in the Santa Cruz.
Fa Jun
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Rev. Fa Jun Christopher Real is a long-time practitioner and teacher of Asian Bodywork therapy. He completed studies in Western massage, Asian Bodywork, Qigong, and Martial arts beginning in 1998. In 2004 he was invited to participate in teacher training through the Boston Shiatsu School. Fa Jun has completed his Master\’s certification in medical qigong therapy, has been nationally certified as a massage therapist, and is a certified yoga, qigong, taiji, and kung fu instructor. He brings realistic clinical experience, deep study of ancient traditions, and practical, understandable teaching methodology to each class. His website is www.lingqidao.com.
Conrad Santos
CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist
Conrad was first introduced to massage therapy in the mid ’70’s. Since that time he has been extremely fortunate to have worked with many great teachers and bodyworks. His 15 years of teaching massage has provided him with personal insights and awareness that he brings to the classroom and to his private sessions. Steeped in the richness of Eastern, Rosen and self-awareness practices, Conrad enjoys sharing many aspects of each in all of his classroom settings.
Matt Lombard, CMT
Matt is a Certified Advanced Rolfer™, Certified Rolf® Movement Practitioner and a CMT in the state of California. He has been working with the art, science and clinical application of Rolfing® Structural Integration for the last eight years.
He has studied and is engaged in continuing education at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, Munich, and Sao Paulo with a wide range of advanced Faculty.
Besides an Advanced Rolfing® certification and 2 Rolf® Movement certifications, Matt has also received accreditations in Visceral Manipulation based on the teachings of French Osteopath JeanPierre Barral.
Matt is also a certified instructor of Ginastica Natural, the life long movement practice and study of the Brazilian physical therapist Alvaro Romano, and an avid student of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Matt\’s fascination with movement practices, biomechanics and anatomy comes from his childhood pursuits of year-round competitive sports and outdoor adventures. Nowadays he has a similar active and adventurous lifestyle with his wife, that keeps him passionate about health and wellness.
Through personal experience of traumatic injuries and periods of chronic pain following them, it Matt\’s belief that with a balanced structure and perceptive movement a body can achieve a harmonic relation with the field of gravity and move through life with less stress and pain.